вторник, 29 мая 2018 г.

Jenin kurssi forex

Jenin kurssi forex.

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Jenin kurssi forex.

What Really Happened in Jenin? The Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank was the scene of some of the harshest fighting during Israel's "Defensive Shield" operation. It contained an extensive military infrastructure for terrorist operations against Israel that involved all of the main Palestinian terrorist groups: Islamic Jihad, Fatah, and Hamas. Since OctoberJenin-based terrorist networks were responsible for 28 attempted suicide attacks against Israel, of which 23 were actually executed. It is no wonder that in a captured Fatah document http: Yet Palestinian spokesmen characterized Israel's counter-terrorist operations in Jenin, right from the start, as a "massacre. On April 15, Erakat continued his charges: Erakat was not alone in hurling the charge of an Israeli "massacre" of Palestinians in Forex. Peter Hansen, the commissioner-general of the United Nations Relief and Kurssi Agency UNRWA told a Danish newspaper, the Internatavisen Jyllands-Posten, on April 19, that Palestinians had been killed in Jenin. CNN correspondent Rula Forex gave her own impressions of "a lot of destruction, a jenin of devastation" CNN, April 17, Terje Roed-Larsen, the UN Secretary-General's representative in the Middle East, was initially more careful: He spoke of "clear violations of basic humanitarian principles. Now that the city of Jenin has been open for several weeks, a clearer picture of the reality on the ground has emerged:. Contrary to the repeated televised charges of Saeb Erakat and other Palestinian spokesmen, "hundreds" of Palestinians were not killed. As of May 1, there were 54 bodies found in Jenin -- not -- according to Israeli military sources. Palestinian officials, on the ground, now verify the Israeli numbers: Mousa Kadoura, director of Yasser Arafat's Fatah organization for the northern West Bank, claims 56 Palestinians died in Jenin Washington Times, May 1, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres has stated that only seven civilian casualties have been identified Israel Foreign Ministry Press Release, April 20, These limited Palestinian casualties were due to the fact that Israel did not employ massive air strikes or artillery barrages in Jenin, but rather sent its vulnerable ground forces to engage in house-to-house combat. As a result, Israel lost 23 soldiers in the battle. Essentially, Israeli soldiers lost their lives in order to keep the collateral deaths of Palestinian civilians to a minimum. Palestinians admit that they employed large amounts of explosive devices in Jenin. There were booby-trapped buildings and explosive devices configured as anti-personnel mines. Captured Islamic Jihad operative Tabeat Mardawi told CNN that 1, explosive devices had been prepared. An Islamic Jihad bomb-maker kurssi Jenin told Al-Ahram Weekly: Still, the level of destruction was limited. Out of 1, buildings in the Jenin refugee camp, buildings were destroyed -- or less than 10 percent Israel Defense Forces -- Central Command. According to Fatah activist Mousa Kadoura, the area affected was the size of a large football field Washington Times, May 1, Moreover, because of the large amounts of Palestinian explosives in the camp, it is difficult to discern what component of this destruction was caused by Israeli forces and what part was a result of Palestinian detonation. The UN Security Council adopted Resolution on April 19,which welcomed "the initiative of the Secretary-General to develop accurate information regarding recent events in the Jenin refugee camp through a fact-finding team. The UN fact-finding team for Jenin was not set to operate under the same mandate as other UN fact-finding jenin. Arguing that Jenin was not under Israeli sovereignty, the UN did not want to apply these generally-accepted standards and hence be restricted by Israeli law, that would have protected Israeli soldiers from being called to testify before the team. While Israel has nothing to hide, this sort of intrusive investigation of Israeli soldiers would have undermined the morale of an army still engaged in a war against terrorism. Israel was not seeking to dictate special rules for itself, but only asking that it be dealt with by the same standards used in other fact-finding missions. The team was composed of individuals with expertise largely in the area of humanitarian relief -- not counter-terrorism. It is doubtful, given this professional background, that they would have the ability to judge the extent of the terrorist threat to Israel that emanated from Jenin. Equally, these humanitarian aid experts would not be able to establish that Israel employed a proportional level of military force by using ground forces in house-to-house combat. The fact that one team member, Cornelio Sommaruga, once compared the Star of David to the swastika when he was president jenin the International Red Cross, did not give Israelis a sense that the team members were chosen to make a fair and balanced judgment. The UN did not want to explicitly commit itself beforehand to investigate the scale of Palestinian terrorism in the Jenin refugee camp. It appeared to be more interested in the consequences of Israeli military action and jenin its causes. This was also evident from the team's composition. The UN faced a difficult problem in Jenin. How did a refugee camp supported by UNRWA become the "capital of suicide bombers. The UN Security Council undermined its own international credibility by adopting a resolution supporting the dispatch of a fact-finding team by the UN Secretary-General on the basis of groundless rumors about a massacre of Palestinians by Israeli forces in the Jenin refugee camp. For Israel, which sacrificed 23 Israeli soldiers because it employed ground forces in house-to-house combat instead of forex firepower, the UN's action was insulting. That the UN was so determined to dispatch its fact-finding team even after it became absolutely clear that there was no massacre in Jenin raises the question of whether the UN Secretariat had "a hidden agenda" in involving itself in this issue: Israeli-UN relations have been badly damaged by the Jenin episode and will require many years of hard diplomatic work to restore. Dore Gold, Publisher; Mark Ami-El, Managing Editor. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Registered Amuta13 Tel-Hai St. Center for Jewish Community Studies, Locust St. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Board of Fellows of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Complete List of Issue Briefs. JERUSALEM ISSUE BRIEF Vol. Palestinian and International Charges of Massacre Yet Palestinian spokesmen characterized Israel's counter-terrorist operations in Jenin, right from the start, as a "massacre. What Really Transpired Now that the city of Jenin has been open for several weeks, a clearer kurssi of the reality on the ground has emerged: No Massacre of Palestinians Occurred Contrary to the repeated televised charges of Saeb Erakat and other Palestinian spokesmen, "hundreds" of Palestinians were not killed. The Role of Palestinian Explosives and the Limited Scale of Destruction Palestinians admit that they employed large amounts of explosive devices in Jenin. The United Nations and the Jenin Issue The UN Security Council adopted Resolution on April 19,which welcomed "the initiative of the Secretary-General to develop accurate information regarding recent events in the Jenin refugee camp through a fact-finding team. The Fact-Finding Team's Mandate The UN fact-finding team for Jenin was not set to operate under the same mandate as other UN fact-finding missions. The Composition of the Fact-Finding Team The team was composed of individuals with expertise largely in the area of humanitarian relief -- not counter-terrorism. The UN Double-Standard The UN did not want to explicitly commit itself beforehand to investigate the scale of Palestinian terrorism in the Jenin refugee camp. Conclusions The UN Security Council undermined its kurssi international credibility forex adopting a resolution supporting the dispatch of a fact-finding team by the UN Secretary-General on the basis of groundless rumors about a massacre of Palestinians by Israeli forces in the Jenin refugee camp.

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